

OEUFThey do not fall from the sky but bring us all the freshness of the sea! Fall for salmon, trout, mullet or cod eggs.

Inseparable from Easter celebrations, eggs are not necessarily made with chocolate.

We can respect the tradition without being a “sweet mouth” thanks to LA MAISON NORDIQUE, which offers us tasty and playful Easter by replacing cocoa… by fish roe!

As an aperitif, we recommend white tarama, this delicious spreadable speciality made with salted and smoked cod roe. Always with excellence, it contains 50% of cod roe, caught in Iceland. For lovers of land/sea combinations, La Maison Nordique has also created an exquisite truffle tarama.

On toast, or to accompany salmon tagliatelle, salmon roe come next. Brilliant, iodized, with a beautiful orange-pink hue, these roe are fished off the coast of the United States in the Pacific.

Smaller, crisper, trout roe, produced in France, bring a touch of pep to our canapés and all our dishes. Great to boost the texture of a seafood salad, to twist the texture of a casserole egg or to decorate… salty cupcakes!

As for bottarga, the potent iodine Mediterranean speciality, also known as poutargue. It is a clutch of salted and dried mullet roe. It can be eaten grated or thinly sliced on classy breads or to enhance the savour of pasta or a seafood risotto.

This is enough to play with the symbolism of Easter eggs, without putting them all in the same hamper.